Dolce & Gabbana advertisements have long been notorious for shock value. This season's campaign shares that value in a way, but instead of half naked models posing in questionable and sometimes disturbing scenarios - we get Madonna washing dishes and eating spaghetti with her fingers. Shot by Steven Klein in a Manhattan convent (Who knew we had one of those in NYC?) the images portray an authentic, old world Italian ambiance. Madonna herself being an Italian-American as well as a close personal friend to Stephano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce - she was natural choice for the project, which showcases spring's romantic and Italy inspired collection.
I, for one, appreciate Dolce & Gabbana's AND Madonna's return to their more traditional, Italian roots. And find the (though likely temporary) replacement of "in your face" sex appeal with something more cinematic and picturesque is every bit as sexy as previous campaigns. Plus, when is the last time we saw a woman EATING in a fashion ad? Now that's hot.
First of all, I LOVE your blog, it's sexy and informative, and I love your content. In regards to Madonna and D&G, I also love these ads, I find them such a return to beautiful Italian-American life in a very sensual way by infusing the art of fashion and the love of food. Thank you for posting!